The Kingdom and the Covenant

This article series examines two important and inseparable topics: God’s kingdom and our covenant relationship with him. We’ll discover how the new covenant brings us into his kingdom and the kingdom provides all the covenant’s benefits.

Part 1 — Two Inseparable Topics

God’s Kingdom

God’s eternal kingdom is his domain and the context for everything he does. He rules sovereignly over everything and every being that exists in every realm.

What is a Covenant?

Discover why covenant is an important theme in the Bible, why it’s essential to our relationship with God, and why it changes how we think and behave.

Covenants in the Bible

The covenants in the Bible, including those between people and those God makes, reveal the strength and beauty of our covenant relationship with God.

God’s Kingdom and the New Covenant

God’s kingdom and the new covenant he invites us to enter are inseparable, what we could consider two aspects of the same topic.

Part 2 — Kingdom-Covenant Elements

God’s Covenant Terms

Covenant terms identify the relationship’s purpose, grant specific rights and privileges, and impose specific responsibilities on each partner.

New Covenant Commitment

Making a covenant commitment involves sacrificing one’s independence and focusing instead on the partner’s needs, well-being and success.

Covenant Identity is Essential

Becoming like Jesus isn’t optional. Covenant identity is essential for covenant life and engaging in Father’s kingdom.

Correctly Using Covenant Authority

Having our identity changed in covenant is evidence we’re members of God’s royal family, authorized to use covenant authority and act in God’s name.

The Pledge of Covenant Care and Provision

The Lord’s Supper (communion or Eucharist) is a covenant meal and reaffirms God’s and our pledges to care and provide for each other.

Future Topics:
Covenant Service and Protection
Covenant Blessings
Covenant Curses
Covenant Descendants
Covenant Evidence
Covenant Tests