Book Reviews: Paranormal and UFOs
Stolen Seed, Evil Harvest: A True Account of Lifelong Alien Abduction and the Evil Alien Agenda
Karin Wilkinson (© 2023); Rating: 5
This is an astounding and disturbing explanation of the author’s firsthand experiences of alien abduction. They began when she was a child, but ceased when she became a Christian; however, they resumed briefly because she turned away from God for a time. Now she can provide not only detailed descriptions of her experiences, but also provide insight into who the aliens are, what their goals are and whom they can or cannot abduct. She supports her writing with Scripture and in-depth research into other resources. This book is an eye-opener and an important read, because we, as Christians, absolutely must be aware of what’s happening today so we can prepare ourselves.
UFO Disclosure: The 70-Year Coverup Exposed
L.A. Marzulli (©2018); Rating: 5
I’ve followed L.A.’s work enough to trust what he presents in conferences, films, videos and books. He investigates what most of us would not or cannot, then shows us what we need to know. He’s a supernaturalist who understands how beings from the spiritual realm affect us in the physical realm from the book of Genesis to today. He also understands our spiritual authority and how to use it when encountering evil spiritual beings. His reputation gives him access to experts in related fields who can provide insight or documented evidence. UFO Disclosure is an easy but informative read that describes what began at Roswell in 1948 and continues to the present. It includes a plausible hypothesis of how previously secret information is now being released to the public to prepare us for a grand unveiling of alleged ETs who promise to solve our world’s problems. Every Christian needs to read this book to understand the spiritual deception that’s in progress.
Unearthing the Lost World of the Cloudeaters: Compelling Evidence of the Incursion of Giants, Their Extraordinary Technology & Imminent Return
Stephen Quayle & Dr. Thomas R. Horn (©2017); Rating: 4
While I’m skeptical of some of the authors’ assumptions, such as the Genesis 1 gap theory and the existence of pre-Adamic human races, I find their research and proposed explanations very intriguing. The book would have been impossible to put down if it weren’t 470 pages long, but you’ll want to come back for more. The authors identify similarities in folklore, myths, ancient writings and petroglyphs from around the world, and compare them with the Bible, archeological and scientific findings. Their amazing amount of research leads to very clear conclusions and plausible explanations. The book provides lots of food for thought.