Daily Thanksgiving
(This is a statement based on Psalms 23 and 103. Reading time: 1 minute.)
Lord, you’re my guardian and provider, so I don’t lack any good thing. You cause me to rest and be at peace. You restore my perspective and attitude, refine me and strengthen me, and show me how to live a righteous life that honors you.
Even when I experience disappointment, danger or discouragement, I won’t be afraid, because you are with me. Your presence and guidance comfort me, and your generosity is overwhelming. I look forward to being with you throughout eternity.
You set my destiny, gave me the character and skills I need to fulfill it, anointed me to do the work you prepared for me, and caused me to be fulfilled by what I do. Your ways are awesome.
I remember many ways you’ve worked my experiences for my benefit. You forgive all my sins, heal all my diseases and remove all sorrow from me. You don’t treat me as my sins deserve; instead, you destroy every record of them.
You are gracious, patient and overflowing with love for me. You know my faults and limitations, yet you’re compassionate toward me. Your love for me is beyond my comprehension.
From your throne in heaven, you rule over everything that is and I honor you.