Being a child of God can be confusing at times. Does serving Him mean doing only what He tells us, or do we have authority to act on our own? If we’re doing His will, should we expect Him to do everything for us? Why should we ask for His will to be done on earth or say “Amen” to His promises? Why would He be interested in our thoughts and desires?
This book addresses these questions and many more by examining the nature of our relationship with God. He is pleased to grant us privileges, responsibilities and authority as members of His family, allow us to conduct His business and even influence His decisions. We’re to reign on earth and have a cooperative, interdependent relationship with our heavenly Father. Only then can we be Royal Partners with Him, work beyond our ability and produce extraordinary results.
- The Dilemma
- God’s Design
- God’s Intent
- God’s Strategy
- Cooperative, Interdependent Relationship
- Restful Work Habits
- Extraordinary Results
- Why We Have Authority Over Our Earthly Domains

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Read Chapter Four, “God’s Strategy.”
Product Formats
- paperback, 6″x9″, 200 pages
- ebook
Book Discussion and Study Resources
- Book Discussion Guide. This guide is designed for facilitators of a discussion group. It examines excerpts from each chapter of “Royal Partners,” recommends asking for comments or questions relevant to those excerpts and suggests alternate questions to encourage participation. (PDF, 42 pages)
- Scripture Text. This resource lists the text for each of the scriptures cited in the 450+ endnotes of “Royal Partners,” except a few omitted due to length. This facilitates personal study and can be invaluable in a book discussion group. (PDF, 62 pages)
Book Reviews
Book testimonial by Martin Roth, Australian journalist and author
Ebook Readers’ Highlights
- Simply believing isn’t enough; it’s what we do that produces the results. Our speech commands the circumstances, translating spiritual power into our domains.
- Be persistent, not passive. Keep exploring, meditating, reviewing and trying to gain new insight and understanding. Keep asking, seeking and knocking so He can reveal the solutions needed. Call on Him tenaciously and never give up.
- He interacts with our human spirits and our human minds are largely unaware of what happens in the spiritual realm.
- In other words, as we rely on Him, we get better results with less effort, which makes relying on God a restful work habit.
- The goal is to develop a restful attitude and absolutely reject anxiety in any form.
- Redemption includes restoring people to their original or intended status.
- Psychological shock and over-stimulation are primary elements of western culture and they produce stress.
- Without Him, we can do nothing; but without us, He will do nothing.
- His goal is to keep maturing us so we become increasingly like Him and keep moving toward our life purpose.
- The goal is to develop a restful attitude and absolutely reject anxiety in any form. We can achieve that goal by living according to God’s Word, tenaciously applying what He shows us and not tolerating old behavior.
- Christianity is about relationship with God, not about following His principles, and we must have two-way communication to have effective relationship.
- Salvation is not about life after death, but life after birth. Redemption is a life-long process and salvation is the starting point.
- Because we have authority over our domains, we can exercise that authority over anything that threatens or doesn’t belong in our domains, whether it originates in the physical realm or the spiritual. We can drive out demons, heal the sick, calm the storms, command evil spirits to stop interfering, whatever we think we need to do.
- Fear is negative faith, a negative imagination, and it causes us to believe that something negative will happen in the future.
- Regardless of what we think, we have authority over demons, disease, the physical world and everything in it, and we exercise that authority by acting or speaking. Simply believing isn’t enough; it’s what we do that produces the results. Our speech commands the circumstances, translating spiritual power into our domains.
- Instead of being passive and thinking we have no value other than our availability, we must first recognize the value of the gifts, abilities and potential He placed within each of us. Then we must actively, even aggressively, use what He has given us to perform the tasks He prepared for us.
- The goal is to develop a restful attitude and absolutely reject anxiety in any form. We can achieve that goal by living according to God’s Word, tenaciously applying what He shows us and not tolerating old behavior.
- Biblical rest isn’t always a cessation of activity, but it’s definitely a calmness, an assurance that everything will conform to Father’s purpose.
- His goal is to keep maturing us so we become increasingly like Him and keep moving toward our life purpose.
- He doesn’t abandon us or get disgusted when we goof. He gives us permission to learn.
Introduction to the Book
As Christians, we can be more than ordinary people having occasional experiences with God. We don’t need to consider Him our last resort and turn to Him only after everything else has failed. When we examine what the Bible says about our relationship with Him, we discover He wants to do more than solve our problems, supply our needs or heal our hurts. Not content with being our support staff, He longs to be actively engaged in everything we do.
In this book, we’ll explore some aspects of the dynamic and life-altering relationship we have with our heavenly Father. We’ll discover He’s restoring the authority mankind lost through Adam’s original sin and that an important aspect of our becoming Christlike is being able to use that authority as He intends. It may surprise us to discover how He honors that authority and how it governs His interactions with us.
As we learn to work cooperatively with Him, we’ll radically alter our work habits because we’ll learn to rely on Him for the desired results. More than that, we’ll begin anticipating results that only He can produce, extraordinary results by human standards. By faithfully doing our part and relying on Him to do His, we become Royal Partners with God.